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Thursday, December 25, 2008

10 questions

3.Did Jesus become the Lord since the Council of Nicaea in the year 325 AD?
The question that was conspiratorial above indeed has been in the period pre and post the first ecumenical council was spread out in Nikea in the year 325. The certain Christian group lightly levelled these charges. The certain Christian group lightly levelled these charges. That was most important we stressed as the follower Jesus was that God personally that made Jesus become the Lord and Christ. Since long before the Council of Nicaea 325 were held, group's Christian belief that Jesus was the Lord and Christ has adhered. At least this matter could be seen from the view of church fathers like Ignatius of Antioch (105 AD) stated that Jesus was God personally that was manifested in the form of humankind. Clement of Alexandria (150 AD) said that already appropriately we thought that Christ was God. There was also Justin Martyr (160 AD), Irenaeus (180 AD), Tertulian (200 AD), Origen (225 AD), Novatian (235 AD), Cyprianus (250 AD), Methodius (290 AD), Lactantius (304 AD), Amobius (305 AD) and still many others fathers's line the Church that stated that Jesus was the Lord, long before the holding of the Council of Nicaea in the year 325 AD that indeed was placed on the agenda to face the teaching of Arius of Alexandria heresy that said that Jesus was not a true God (pre-Jesus's existence) but only a creation creature completely by raising the theory that there is during where the Word of God was not yet despite that already a long time ago before the commencement of God's creation. Jesus did not become to be Lord through the Nicaean Council 325 because long before Christians already since the beginning the reporting of the apostles believe in that Jesus was the Lord and Christ despite with the understanding would conception of the godhead of Jesus that differed. Christian faith distinguished between the meaning of Jesus's godliness (the Divine/Godhead of Jesus) and the deity Jesus (the Lordship of Jesus). Jesus's godliness showed the Word of God that was lasting with God and always adhered in His Ousia (Yoh 1:1-3) that was comparable with Islamic theology that stated Al-Qur’an as kalam nafsy (the everlasting words).

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