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Friday, June 25, 2010

ברך B’RAKAH : Blessing of the Bread and Wine, Jesus' version.

In the Jewish Passover liturgy (called the Haggadah) that is still celebrated until today, after preparation and the opening worship and then continued with the singing of Psalm 113 and 114, the leader of worship and then say b'rakah of unleavened bread (matsah) with a prayer:

ברוך אתה יהוה אלהינו מלך העולם המוצא לחם מן הארץ
Baruk attah Adonay ,Eloheinu, Melek haolam, ha motsia Lekhem min haarets.
Blessed art Thou, O God, our Lord, who has given this bread from the earth.

Second bread slices and then distributed to people who attended, and afterwards pronounced b'rakah for wine:

ברוך אתה יהוה אלהינו מלך העולם בורא פרי הגף
Baruk attah Adonay, Eloheinu, Melek haolam, Bore p’rey haggaphen.
Blessed be our God, the King of the universe, the Creator of the fruit it of the vine!

The cup of wine is poured and then distributed to those present, then the leader prayed again. After it was all finished, then they sang together Hallel (psalms Haleluyah) as a cover banquet. The most frequently sung psalms is Psalm 115, 116, 117 and 136.

In the Supper, which Jesus did with His disciples, there are still elements b'rakah over the bread and wine, also closed with Hallel. Are difficult to ascertain is how the sound b'rakah first cup of wine which is spoken by Jesus at the Supper.

Perhaps, He slipped in the Jewish Passover liturgy, about the suffering that will be experienced, or interpreted by his own words. "The cup that I am going to drink" (Matt. 20:22), is a parable that Jesus used for His suffering. From the context, the entire paragraph on the focus to the suffering of Jesus on the cross. And based on existing facts, the early church decided that Jesus is the personification of the new Israel, with the new covenant as well.

In the Gospel record, Jesus after taking matsah (unleavened bread) and broke, he said about Himself:

Yrgp wnh wlwk0 wbs
Savu ikolu hanau pagri
"Take this and eat it. This is my body." (Mat 26:26)

And after giving the wine, Jesus said more assertive about Himself, about the meaning of His death, for those who believe:

0h=xd 0nqbw4l d40tm 00ygs Plxd Fdx 0qtydd Ymd wnh Jwklk hnm wt40 wbs
Sevu esyttau minneh khulekhon, hanau ddami dadyataqa hadatta, ddahelakh saggiyaa mitasyad le syuvaqana dhataha.
"Drink from it, all of you. For this is my blood of the new covenant that is being poured out for many people for the forgiveness of sins. (Mat 26:27-28, Peshitta & ISV)

Because the view of Jesus, the more mean Passover, as when God frees people from the bondage of sins that lead to eternal death, not just a commemoration of the liberation of Israel from the oppression of Pharaoh in Egypt, then it is very likely that Jesus different from other Jewish Rabbis. Jesus no longer say the Jewish prayer commonly recited in Aramaic:

הא לחםא עניא، כּיאכלוּ אבהתנא בּארצא דמצרים
Ha laham ‘aneya, ki akalu avahtana ba aretsa de mitsrayim.
This is the bread of misery that has been eaten by our ancestors in Egypt.

- A. Th. Philips (ed.), Sefer Tefilah makol hasanah. Daily Prayer with English Translation (New York: Hebrew Publishing Company, tanpa tahun)
- Chaim Stern (ed.), Sharei Tefillah le Syalom (New York: Central Conference of American Rabbis, 19920
- Rabbi Harold Fisch (ed.), Haggadah Pesah (Jerusalem: Koren Publisher Ltd, 1991)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tragedy of the Middle East

Readings: Genesis 21:8-21

Tragedy of the Middle East here refers to events that happened in Abraham's family ± 4000 years ago in the Middle East. Unfortunately, a tragedy that continues until today.

What actually happened in Genesis 21:8-21 was motivated by the birth of Isaac, who preached in Genesis 21:1-7. Isaac's birth is a great joy for Abraham and his wife Sarah, for God's promise to them (Genesis 15:4-5) have been fulfilled. However, the initial excitement of Abraham and Sarah also means the beginning of grief for Hagar and her son Ishmael.

It is said that Sarah saw Ishmael playing with Isaac (Genesis 21:9). Then Sarah said to Abraham: "Get Rid of That the slave woman and her son, for that slave woman's son will of never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac." (Genesis 21:10, NIV) Looks like Sara's overprotective of Isaac, and perhaps also a spiteful.

Abraham who heard the words that just annoyed at the request of Sarah to expel Hagar and Ishmael. For Abraham, Ishmael was also his biological child. Divine intervention occurs, God said to Abraham, “Do not be so distressed about the boy and your maidservant. Listen to whatever Sarah tells you, because it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.”(Genesis 21:12, NIV). It turns out God is Sarah, so our bad thoughts on Sarah must be immediately removed. Then why did God take sides Sarah and ordered Abraham to obey Sarah's request?

A key issue here is the word מצחק mitsacheq which can be translated into multiple meanings. Text from Complete Jewish Bible mention "Sarah saw Yishma'El making fun of Yitz'chak, New International Version text called “Sarah saw that the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham was mocking,”

The Apostle Paul describes the treatment of Ishmael against Isaac in Genesis 21:9 mitsacheq this by understanding the word is synonymous with the Greek word: εδιωκεν ediooken which means persecuting (Gal 4:29). My opinion, this mitsacheq words may be taken to mean that Ishmael was playing with Isaac, but the game leads to the element of "persecution".

And then tersebutlah promise of God, “because it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned” (Genesis 21:12, NIV). Hagar and Ishmael were expelled from Abraham's tent. As a father, Abraham, of course experienced a deep sadness, a feeling that the fair experienced by fathers who have lost all or part with her own child, let alone his own son who had to drive it out of his house.

During this time, we see that the child is sacrificed to the God of Abraham was Isaac, through the events 'aqedah Yitshaq (binding of Isaac) in Qubatush Shakrah (Dome of the Rock) on Mount Moriah; ritual' aqedah Yitshaq also still held every Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) on a month Tishri. We forget that before Abraham was to sacrifice Ishmael in Beer-Sheba desert because of the love and obedience of Abraham to God. Ishmael even really be a sacrifice, because he really leave his father and must grow up without a father's presence. But God kept His promise to Abraham, God guard Ishmael, God became Father of Ishmael in the wilderness, God made Ishmael and his descendants a great nation today is the Arab nation.

The next event, when Ishmael (or in many translations: Hagar) "crying with a loud voice" (Genesis 21:16), then what happens then “God heard the boy crying (Ibrani: וישׁמע אלהים wa yishma Elohim)” Ishmael sadness will always be heard by God, as his name: ישׁמעאל yishmâ‛ê'l, which means: God will hear.


- Abraham Mittch and Zhawa Glaser, The Fall Feast of Israel (Chicago: Moody Press, 1987),
- David Stern, Complete Jewish Bible (Maryland-USA, Jerusalem, Israel: Jewish New Testament Publications, 1998)
- Gordon D. Newby, A History of the Jews in Arabia (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1988)

Note: With deep regret for what happened in the vessels Mavi Marmara. There is should be no blood, which is poured out, in the Holy Land.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Christian Pentecost: Resurrection of the followers

Pentecost event, as recounted in Acts 2:1-13, where there is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit with all of the signs that accompany it, can not be understood without looking at the background of Jewish rituals and celebrations, because the Christian Pentecost event all point back to Jewish rites, even fulfill.

Greek terms: Pentēkostē, is a transliteration of the Hebrew term: hag ha-Shavu'ot (Feast of Weeks). The term Pentecost is found in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament used by Jews in the overseas (Diaspora), about two centuries before Jesus was born. The word Pentecost means the fiftieth, which is taken from a count of seven weeks are counted starting from the celebration of Passover (when Matzah (מַצָּה) or unleavened bread), which ended on 21 Nisan, until the date six months of Sivan.

One of the most interesting thing from the prayers to be read before reading the books in celebration of the hag ha-Shavu'ot (Pentecost), there is a prayer request to the Lord immediately sent the Messiah Son of David, His servant, as has been promised by God to previous prophets. Prayer, among others as follows: With the dhikr of our ancestors, as well as the Messiah, the Son of David Thy servant, Thy holy city of Jerusalem and the rest of Thy people Israel and the whole family in front of Thou, who brought the release, kindness, grace, mercy and favor, the lives and peace in this Feast of Weeks.

For Christians, Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of those prayers. Likewise, if associated with Psalm 110, the Apostle Peter affirmed that Jesus was the Messiah, who by His eternal priesthood, has fulfilled all the sacrifices and the annual celebration that must be raised by the priests the sons of Aaron.

Pentecostal celebrations associated with the "the time of the Torah given to us" (zeman mattan toratenu), which is when God's covenant with His people at Sinai with the giving Atseret ha-Debarim (Ten Commandments). There was the sound of the trumpet (שׁפר, shôphâr), gusts of winds and flames visible around the mountain. And formed a congregation of the Old Testament, the people of Israel (Exodus 19:16-25).

Christian Pentecost are also held during the seven weeks after Passover, Jesus and His ascension into heaven. Christian Pentecost event is also accompanied by the signs: a blast from the sky high wind, tongues of fire burning and foreign languages were spoken from the mouths of the disciples. This event later became the starting point of the resurrection of the followers of Jesus who claims to be the people of the New Testament, namely the new Israel. This is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jeremiah: "... I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah ...," declares the LORD. "... I will put my law in on their minds and write it on on their hearts. I will be on their God, and they want my will from some people. (Jeremiah 31:31-33)

The phenomenon of the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles at Pentecost and they "began to speak in other Tongues as the Spirit enabled Them." (Acts 2:4). As a result, many people from various nations, who had gathered in Jerusalem “each one heard them speaking in his own language.” (Acts 2:6). Miracles happen ie “each of us hears them in his own native language (διαλεκτω, dialekto, ie dialects, patois)?" (Acts 2:8). Miracles is a dialect or accent, not tongues (a language no one understands (1 Corinthians 14:2)), because the people who were present at that place to understand the words spoken by the apostles. Messages that can be drawn from that event is if the sin in the tower of Babel has caused divisions through the chaos of languages, but instead the Holy Spirit to bring all human beings with different languages, together enter into unity through the gospel of Christ at Pentecost, the people of the NT, the new Israel.


- A. Th. Philips (ed.), Sepher Tefilah makol Hasanah. Daily Prayer with Home Translation (New York: Hebrews Publishing Company)
- Eugen Hoade, Guide to The Holy Land (Jerusalem: Franciscan Printing Press, 1983)
- The New Bible Dictionary (Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 1990)