It has become habit in the church, that throughout history there's always a different group or a little different from mainstream churches, and that happens then is, the emergence of stamp or designation that pinned heresy to those who are different. One of which was labeled as a heretic, is the monophysite.
Judging from the origin of the word, "mono" meaning one and "physis" meaning nature, the word "monophysite" means that in the person of Christ there is only one nature, which is more understood as a disposition of divine rather than human nature. But keep in mind that the term "monophysitism" which is often used by the opposing party, by the concerned even considered the words slur or insult. Actually that happens a certain degree of theological terms appear around the issue, again because of language problems.
Like for example is, the Western misunderstanding of the Coptic Church and Syria, which they call "monophysite", that the two churches are embracing Eutychian heresy. Eutyches taught that Christ, before becoming a man, He has 2 nature that after it ignites. Divinity of Christ absorb humanity as a whole.
Please note that the Coptic Church and Syrian acknowledge all Ecumenical Council until the Council of Ephesus 431. In this council, the formula Christology from Mar Kyrillos (Cyril), the father of the church of Alexandria, were confirmed. Unity Christ formulated as "mia physis ton theon logon sesarkomene" (The nature of the Word of God who became man). So, Christ is "one person from two persons, and one dual nature of two-character". Unitary dual nature of Christ that comes from two nature, ie nature of his divinity as the Word of God which is none other than God himself (Jn 1:1) and human nature as born of Mary. Meanwhile, between divinity and humanity, in such a way that no mixing and no change.
If you see an explanation as above, then the Christology actually adopted two churches, the same Christology formulated in the Council of Chalcedon 451, adopted by the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and of course: Protestant Churches. The difference is in the use of the term of "the Subjects" that one, the Council of Chalcedon use the term "mia hypostasis", while the Council of Ephesus 431 uses the term "mia ton theon logon phisis sesarkomene" (one nature as the Word of God incarnate.)
Well that because of language barriers, the use of terms from the Greek in Christology as: hypostasis (person or Qenuma), ousia (essence), physis (nature) into its own problems when translated into Syriac or Aramaic, not to mention about understanding of these terms, which also vary from one father of the church with other church fathers. So, it is difficult to mention them as a heretical group, just as difficult to understand the differences in language that occurs that causes a difference in understanding of the term.
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Thursday, November 11, 2010
Understanding those who are different, why do you call them as heresy?
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