The words of Jesus in John's Gospel about the coming of another comforter (αλλον παρακλητον allon paraklēton) seems to be an interesting thing for people to claim themselves as "The Another comforter", over time. From the writing and circulation of the Gospel of John for the early Christians, have emerged of people claiming to be another Helper that has been prophesied by Jesus. Let us look at some people who claim to (or believed by his followers) as allon paraklēton promised by Jesus Christ.
Montanus was a forerunner of Montanism movement, which is a charismatic and apocalyptic movements at the end of the 2nd century. He is a former priest of pagan religion in Phrygia in Asia Minor who later embraced Christianity. Montanism movement in terms of dogmatic quite difficult for disabled, since it is a movement based on mystical inspiration to revolt against the existing authorities like the Bible and the Church hierarchy. Montanus claimed was inspired by the Holy Spirit, he regards himself as the Paraclete promised by Jesus to renew the Church, as he announced the end of the world and the need to prepare ourselves for the end times with a pure moral practices.
According to Montanus, the Comforter demanded holy behavior, that is not doing a second marriage, even as a marriage was considered a low thing; fasting; set of dry food without meat (xerophagia), may not escape in times of persecution, and ask ourselves offerings to God in martyrdom.
In its development, two women (prophetess), Maximilla and Priscilla, joined Montanus. The two of them is called Montanus as the first fruits of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28-32). According to their testimony, the blood of martyrdom is the key of the Kingdom of Heaven. They refuse to forgive major sins such as murder, apostasy, adultery. They reject any form of ecclesiastical authority by stating that churches and their leaders that are spiritually dead and surrendered unconditionally to the new prophets, that through these new prophets, the Spirit speaks. He declared himself as the spokesman of God to bring "New Revelation" and "New Prophecy", he is "The Mouth of the Holy Spirit.”
Montanism fragmented into many small sects, then in the 4th century began to be fought by the Roman Empire (although criticism of the doctrine of Montanus has started since the beginning of its existence) and was successfully removed in the 7th century. But the character and spirit Montanism never really disappear until these modern times. Charismatic-apocalyptic movements like Montanism become a common sight today.
Manichaeus, born in the village Mardinû, in the desert Nahr Kuta, Southern Babylonia, 14 April 216. At the age of 24 years, Manichaeus received a mission from the Angel al-Taum, to proclaim the peak of the divine revelation of Zoroaster, Buddha and Jesus. Manichaeus teachings that are syncretic and dualistic, then called Manichaeism. According Manichaeus, the Church has misunderstood the teachings of Jesus who promised to send the Holy Comforter. Because the Holy Comforter was not the Holy Spirit, but is Manichaeus.
Manichaeus has the objective to establish a new religion, where all other religions must base themselves at him. He says that all holy books, wisdom, revelation, metaphor and Psalms of previous religions, gathered in the teachings Manichaeus and in policies which he revealed.
Manichaeus recognize Zoroaster, Buddha and Jesus; they are "brothers" of Manichaeus, the interpreter of the same wisdom. But there are drawbacks to all three figures by Manichaeus, that although all three preached and spread the teachings, but none of those who wrote scripture. This is why religion Manichaeism consider superior to the religions of the three figures because Manichaeus wrote his book himself (he produced a book, called Artang, which he said had been sent down to him from heaven and contained the final revelation to men). The strange, in each of the letters he wrote, Manichaeus always referred to himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ.
Manichaeus occupy important positions in the Persian Empire during the reign of King Shapur I (240-273). At the time of King Shapur I declare war against Rome in 241, the teachings Manichaeism also spread to the West. His teachings spread to the East to China and to the west to Spain. Manichaeus asserted, “I have come from the land of Babel to make my cry heard throughout the whole world.” He claimed to be the last and greatest of the prophets "the Ambassador of Light," which he identified with the Deity. He was impaled by the command of Bahram I, of Persia, about 276 A. D. In 302, Emperor Diocletian declared war against the teachings of Manichaeism. And in the period and other regions, Manichaeism also combated by the Buddhists and Muslims.
Muhammad ibn Abdullah born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in the year 570, although there were some disagreements over the actual date. His father was Abdullah, while his mother was Aminah. Muhammad came from the Quraysh tribe, an influential tribe in Mecca, being the Custodians of the Ka'ba, but Muhammad's family was poor. Tradition asserts that Muhammad's father died a couple of weeks before he was born and his mother died when he was six. After Aminah's death when he was six, he was taken care of by his grandfather, `Abdul Muttalib. After `Abdul Muttalib's death when Muhammad was eight years old, his uncle, Abu Talib, became his guardian.
Muhammad later entered the services of a widow called Khadija. After a successful mercantile trip to Syria, Khadija proposed to Muhammad, and he accepted the marriage proposal. Muhammad was 25 while Khadija was 40. At the age of 40, Muhammad claimed that he was receiving revelations from the angel Gabriel when he was in the Hira cave. Angel Gabriel told him to recite in the name of the Lord. This is the first verse of the Qur’an received by Muhammad (Surah al-‘Alaq). Khadija was the first to believe in him.
Muhammad started preaching in the family and its close relatives in the city of Mecca. Nevertheless these early efforts seem less bring significant results even begin to get resistance from the people of Quraysh, including his uncles such as Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl, even the uncle who guards him when he was a child, Abu Talib, was not a adherents of Islam. Muhammad then moved to the city of Yathrib (later called Medina), where he gained the trust of the population of the city to settle disputes between tribes. Muhammad began to receive widespread support and then after a series of battles with the leaders of Quraysh, Muhammad managed to go back to the city of Mecca in triumph. And since then, the doctrine that brought by Muhammad then spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula, extending to India, China, and North Africa, Spain and all over the world to become the second largest religion in the world today.
What do Muhammad with 'another comforter' (αλλον παρακλητον allon paraklēton)? Muhammad did not like Montanus and Manichaeus who admitted openly as another comforter that Jesus promised. Only one verse in the Qur'an that are associated with this matter, namely Surah as-Saff verse 6, “And remember Jesus the son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah (sent) to you confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.” But when he came to them with Clear Signs they said “This is evident sorcery!” This is the only verse that says that the coming of Muhammad was prophesied by Jesus, although not specifically lead to allon paraklēton that Jesus promised in John's Gospel. Almost certain that Muhammad never read the Gospel of John, either because he was illiterate or because it was translation of the Gospel of John in Arabic is not available at that time. The story that Jesus prophesied the coming of a prophet after him is very likely derived from the stories of the people around him who have heard or received little teaching of Christian monks in the Arabian Peninsula. The picture of Christianity which the Qur'an presents to us shows us what conception of it Muhammad had formed from his own limited experience. Stories about Waraqa, monk Bahira, Mary the Copt, Zaid and Bilal (a former slave who was born in Christian homes) make us better understand how Muhammad got a description of Christianity which is too faint, so Muhammad was never linked him as another Comforter, but the new prophet sent after Jesus’ prophethood.
The attempts to link the prophecy of Jesus about allon paraklēton with the prophet promised, only done by the interpreters of Islam after the era of the Caliph. Ibn Ishaq was the first to associate the word Paraclete in the Gospel of John with Muhammad by taking the similarity of the word Paraclete in the Syriac translation of Munahhemana with the word Muhammad. Interpreters of Islam after Ibn Ishaq despite using the same idea about the prophecy of Jesus in the Gospel of John 14 and 16, they charged that the word for Comforter should not be Paraclete (or Paracletos), but have been changed from the original Periklutos, meaning "Praised One". This is because the word “Ahmad” said in Surah As-Saff verse 6 means "Praised One" instead of "Comforter or Advocate". However, it is only after the middle of the 2nd century AH that Muslims begin to say that the word "Paracletos" should be "Periklutos", and this has been the favorite argument since then.
In these modern times, some followers of Muhammad even claimed that the coming of Muhammad was also predicted by Zarathustra (Zoroastrianism) and Gautama Buddha as the Buddha Maitreya.
There are many other people who claim to be allon paraklēton that Jesus promised (many people like Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Sathya Sai Baba, Imam Ahmed al-Hassan of the Shia Islam sect, etc.), there is a direct claim to be new Paraclete, there also taking the term as a prophet after Jesus, there are even claiming to be Jesus Christ who came for the second time (second coming of Jesus Christ). You believe one of them?
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The claimant of the Paraclete
allon paraklēton,
αλλον παρακλητον
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