In Islam, Jesus Christ or 'Isa al-Masih was called with the title Kalimah (the word of God) found in sura-sura, among others:
Surah 3:39 The angels called him when he was praying in the sanctuary: "GOD gives you good news of John; a believer in the word of GOD, honorable, moral, and a righteous prophet."
Surah 3:59 The example of Jesus, as far as GOD is concerned, is the same as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, "Be," and he was.
Who talked about the "creation" and the birth of Jesus. That Jesus was born because of the will and the word of God is mentioned again in Surah 4:171. Ibn Ishaq from the 8th century AD, in his famous (through the compilation of Ibn Hisham), ie Sirah an-Nabawiyyah (The Life of Prophet Mohammed), said that those Muslims who seek asylum in Abyssinia (Ethiopia) has notified the Christian authorities there that they believe Jesus is God's messenger, spirit and word of God, which is inserted into the Mary, the blessed virgin. King Negus, the Christian ruler of Abyssinia, agree with these Muslim people.
In the Arab Christian community known term 'wa Kalimatuhu al-mutajjasad' (and His Word which became man) as a more precise term than the Latin term Cur Deus Homo(meaning: "Why did God become man?") derived from a father of the Western Church, ie St. Anselmus. That is because in the Christian Arabs literature, the term: Allah (more specifically than the equivalent terms: Elohim, Theos, Deus, God) is more pointed to the Father.
The parallel of the Kalimatullah, in the Christian Arab community, can be compared with the Kalam Allah (the Koran). In Islam, as affirmed in the Qur'an, God has "nazzala 'alaikal kitaba bi al-Haqq" (Surah Ali Imran / 3:2, "down to thee, O Muhammad, the book of the Koran with truth") . Whereas in Christianity, the Word of God has "nazzala minas sama’i wa tajjasad bi Ruhil Quddusi wa min Maryama al-adzra’i wa ta’anas" (down from heaven, incarnated by the power of the Holy Spirit, and become a man of the Virgin Mary).
In general, Muslims do not understand Kalimatullah as Christians understand Logos. Especially if it is associated with the Christian understanding in John 1:1,14. Logos in the Christian faith is certainly not the creation or demiurgos as "intermediary beings" who is not God nor man. While Kalimatullah in Islam, some modern scholars argue that 'Isa (Jesus) called Kalimatullah because he is created because the sentence of God: "Kun" (Be) fa yakuun (hence he was) a reference to Surah 3:59 and 19:35. whereas several other commentators argue that Jesus as the 'word' means it is a form of "prophetic", or he came "to bring a word" although this opinion clearly inadequate.
For subsequent discussion, we will discuss how the idea of the Logos as the beginning of creation God in Tasawuf Islam (Islamic mysticism), which is known as Nur Muhammad (Light of Muhammad). As mentioned in a Hadith: awwalu makhluqa llahu nuriy, wa fi riwayati ruhiy (the beginning of creation God is my light, or in another narration of my spirit).
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