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Friday, August 20, 2010

Logos, in Islamic mysticism (Sufism)

In previous discussions, we mentioned about the hadith: "awwalu makhluqa llahu nuriy, wa fi riwayati ruhiy" which means: the beginning of creation God is my light, or in another narration: my spirit.

Understand the concept of Logos in Sufism, known as the Nur Muhammad, although they are pre-existence, but Nur Muhammad remains as the creation (mere creature). Christians, generally rejected the concept that the Logos or Word of God is a creation.

God said "Kun" (Be), then there was Nur Muhammad and from this, everything was then made. This is contained in the Hadith: Lau laka maa khalaqal kun (If not you O Muhammad, would not I make all that exists). Islamic Mysticism views like this, have closer similarities with the teachings of Christology of Arius (Arianism), who taught that Jesus was the first major creatures created by God. Jesus Christ is a creature of an intermediary (an intermediary being, Greece: demiurgos) between God and man.

Arius's views heavily influenced by the philosophy of Neo-Platonism developed by Plotinus and Ammonius Sakkas. Here can be seen that between the Christology of Arius and Nur Muhammad understood equally emphasized that despite everything that happens is caused by the word "kun" (Be), but everything happened from atsar (former) Light of Muhammad, in which Arianism appeared as a co-creator.

Such principles differ with the Logos in the Christian faith that draw clear boundaries between al-Khaliq الخالق (Creator) with "Makhluq" or the creature (creation). Because the creation took place solely from the word "kun", without any assistance and facilities outside the Creator. It also includes Logos, if it is assumed that the Logos is something separate from the Essence of God (the Creator), or the Logos is seen as a mere creature.

Because God is Almighty and the Almighty Creator, Allah does not need help from anyone or in any form. Logos (or in the perspective of Christian Arabs: al-‘Aqal al-Ilahi, Divine Intellect), always in the Essence of God is "'azali" or without beginning (al-‘Aqal al-Ilahi al-kainu fi adz-Dzat Ilahi mundzu ‘azali). It is a strange thing to say God created all things through His Word, but the word of God (Logos) itself is also a mere creation. So, with another word which God created the word itself?

If the Islamic states that the Koran as Kalam Allah (the Word of God) is ghair al-Makhluq (not creation), as a comparison then Kalimatullah or the Divine Logos is al-Mauludu ghair al-Makhluq (born not created).

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